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EHR Solutions

EHR Solutions

Electronic Healthcare Records were introduced in 2008. Government presented the system with yearly incentives and lucrative offers. Hospitals and physicians rapidly stepped in for implementing electronic medical records (EMRs) in order to obtain the "meaningful use" EMR funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

EHR SolutionsThere are many healthcare providers implementing EMRs and their number continues to rise, they are still struggling with the cost and complexity of implementations. The key to successful electronic health record (EHR) implementation is not only selecting the right system with the affordable cost, but ensuring you have the right people involved in the process from day one. We, at First Health Forces understand that the providers may not realize the full value and scope of their EMR implementations due to numerous challenges such as scarcity of skilled resources, interoperability issues and the lack of end-user adaptation.

First Health Forces, with its proven implementation methodology and its expertise with the leading EMR applications, is a valuable partner for physicians to lead and support the EMR implementation. We provide EMR solutions from the leading vendors. Our EMR service offerings focus on assisting healthcare organizations create an operationally optimized EMR environment.

The ideology behind First Health Forces's EMR solutions is to enable the healthcare organizations to "manage and sustain value over time" with an EMR system. Most of the EHR trainers have healthcare knowledge, but aren’t accustomed to documentation, coding, and billing rules. They are there to teach you how to use their product. We view EMR implementations and upgrades as a first step to a successful EMR optimization strategy. Our EMR services go beyond implementation. We help the providers to document, code and create correct superbills.